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Clarity Insider

Gain financial clarity for your business. Expert insights on SaaS accounting, cash flow management, and growth strategies from One Degree Financial.

Pies and Wine So Good, Mom’s Has a Great Business Plan

Of course, Mom’s bakes some fantastic pies (second only to my own mom, of course… hi, Mom!)...

Competing with Big Box Stores?

One way is by building their own community of champions and collaborators.

All around us are great...

Local Beans, Great Atmosphere

Pssst, slow down. Take a moment and smell the coffee… or the tea or even the great breakfast...

Building a Business is a Team Effort

No matter the reason, I was a “NO GO” and did not qualify to advance to the second week (Tower...

How Knowing 'Why' Led Website Developer WIX to $1 Billion

Here is a great example: Avi, a business associate I met in 1999, said to me at the time, “Rod, I...

Sharing is Caring: How Businesses Can Give Back to Charities

The next morning he found his daughter making two lunches. When asked what she was doing, she...

Small Business Saturday


Occoquan, Virginia - November 28, 2015 - By distributing over 200 helium...

SBA Loan Risks: What Business Owners Should Know

Last week I spoke with Jim from the New England area. Jim is planning to open a new craft brewery...

Are Your Business Banking Habits All Grown Up?

Most lenders (including us at One Degree Capital) look at each page of the bank statement, not just...

The Capital Desert


Occoquan, Virginia - July 27, 2015 - Using his own coined term “Capital...