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Clarity Insider

Gain financial clarity for your business. Expert insights on SaaS accounting, cash flow management, and growth strategies from One Degree Financial.

A Lesson Learned The Hard Way: Working ON vs IN Your Business

Patrick owns a carpet cleaning business. Like a lot of service-related entrepreneurs, Patrick is a...

SBA Panel Discussion


Occoquan, Virginia - June 19, 2015 - Rod Loges, Founder and President of One...

SaaS Financial Advice: First-Time-Buyer Discount Risks

The theory being customers will love your service or product so much that they will come back...

Online Lenders Missing More Than Their Stock Targets

I was reminded of these words of wisdom today as I read Forbes’ article Once-Hot Online Lending...

First Hotel Reservation Made By Google Glass

The businessman is the first client of Hotel Near Me, the edge-cutting app developed by...

Recommended Reading: The Hard Thing About Hard Things

There are many, many books devoted to helping would-be entrepreneurs get their business started,...

Recommended Reading | Start with Why:

In studying the leaders who have had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered...

Recommended Reading: The Go-Giver

Joe is a true go-getter, though sometimes he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the...

Strengthening Your Business' Bottom Line: Marketing Budget

As a business lender, we see first-hand how a business owner's approach towards marketing can...

Special Bulletin: Section 179 Tax Benefit Increase Expected

On Tuesday, December 17, 2014, Congress passed the Tax Extenders Bill which extends several 2013...