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Community Lending Success: How a Daycare Doubled Its Loan

How A Local Daycare Center Doubled Their Loan Amount

EVEN YOUR BEST efforts can come up short. Learn how One Degree Capital recently helped a home-based daycare center double their funds to complete their dream expansion.


“Children are one-third of our population and all our future” - Anonymous

When you run a home-based daycare center, life can be hectic. Lots of little minds to keep busy and things to take care of, but Mia wouldn’t have had it any other way. She loved providing day care for all the children that came to see her.

After 11 years of running the business out of her home, Mia was ready to expand to accommodate more children, activities and programs. (And after 11 years of a home based daycare center, Mia’s husband was thrilled at the prospect of the business moving out, too!)

After a long search, Mia found the perfect location for her new, larger facility. Once word got out, Mia quickly found she had a waiting list of eager parents who could not wait for her to open. Her spirits were high as she planned her expansion.

To Mia, planning her expansion budget felt like one of those giant floor puzzles her kids worked on - all the pieces had to fit. After Mia calculated the full cost of the expansion and subtracted the savings she could personally contribute, she was still roughly $100,000 short of her budget.

Mia immediately went to work putting the pieces together.

As if an answer to her prayers, a parent of one of her students was so happy with Mia and the care she provided to the children that they offered to loan her money to put towards the expansion project.

As thrilled as Mia was by this generosity, the loan offer was only half of what she needed. Mia feared she may have to put her expansion goals on hold.

That’s when Mia discovered One Degree Capital. After listening to Mia’s story and reviewing the ‘big picture’ we identified our Community Lending Program as the best match for Mia’s unique situation. Our Community Lending Program allowed us to match the funds provided by the student’s parent. Best of all, the funds were exactly what was needed to complete the project’s budget.

With funds in hand, Mia moved forward with her expansion and watched with delight as she welcomed her students to her new, larger facility.

When we work together as a community, we all win. Even Mia’s husband, who is now happily planning what to do with all that extra space in their home.

Does your business have a financing puzzle you need solved? Contact one of our Business Capital Advisors and see how we can help you!


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