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Rod Loges

Rod Loges, founder of One Degree Financial, provides SaaS founders expert fractional CFO services and strategic guidance. Learn from a tech entrepreneur's experience.

Competing with Big Box Stores?

One way is by building their own community of champions and collaborators.

All around us are great...

Local Beans, Great Atmosphere

Pssst, slow down. Take a moment and smell the coffee… or the tea or even the great breakfast...

Building a Business is a Team Effort

No matter the reason, I was a “NO GO” and did not qualify to advance to the second week (Tower...

How Knowing 'Why' Led Website Developer WIX to $1 Billion

Here is a great example: Avi, a business associate I met in 1999, said to me at the time, “Rod, I...

Sharing is Caring: How Businesses Can Give Back to Charities

The next morning he found his daughter making two lunches. When asked what she was doing, she...

Online Lenders Missing More Than Their Stock Targets

I was reminded of these words of wisdom today as I read Forbes’ article Once-Hot Online Lending...